Entries by DMG CRS Staff

Dental Health in Children: Get the Facts

October is Dental Hygiene Month, which is somewhat ironic as Halloween, the day of the year where children probably get more candy than ever, also is in October.  So, why not take this month to talk to your children about the importance of taking care of their teeth?

What Is Pediatric Physical Therapy ?

Pediatric physical therapists provide services for children with developmental disabilities from birth to 21 years-old; in addition, the team provides support and education to the patient’s family.

We’re Here for You…Safely

As you and your children are part of the DMG Children’s Rehabilitative (DMG CRS) family, we want to ensure you know we are always here for you. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, DMG CRS has remained open to support the health of our patients and their families.

DMG CRS Recognizes National Physical Therapy Month

Life with a special needs child or adult can be a complex, scary, and amazing journey full of ups and downs, triumphs and disappointments that affect the whole family. A good thing to remember is to think about the long-term outcome of a goal rather than just the immediate outcome.