A Provider’s Perspective

Articles and videos by our DMG CRS providers to help you manage the health of you and your family.

mom and child manage bullying together

5 Ways Parents Can Help Their Child Manage Bullying

An estimated one in four children reports being bullied. Moreover, while bullying was once contained to face-to-face interactions, the increase of technology in modern society has brought the advent electronic bullying or “cyberbullying,” which can occur in any place or location via social media and smart phones.

DMG CRS: Serving Native American Communities

During my recent visit to our Whiteriver Outreach Orthopedic Clinic, I had the opportunity, once again, to help children and families in Northern Arizona with their complex healthcare needs.
parents of disabled children

Dr. Nick Tanner’s Three Tips for Parents of Children with Health, Developmental, and Behavioral Differences

Never stop advocating. When parents have a kid with extra needs or differences, things may things get contentious between parents schools, healthcare providers, and government agencies.
Living Beyond Expectations Meet Bella and Emma

Living Beyond Expectations:
Meet Bella and Emma

Bella was adopted when she was three months-old and was on a joey pump, and to everyone’s knowledge, that was her only medical challenge. After visiting DMG CRS geneticist, Dr. Alec, Bella was diagnosed with...
Why One Family Travels 100 Miles to DMG CRS

Why One Family Travels 100 Miles to DMG CRS

Blake was born at 32 weeks. He has diplegic cerebral palsy and is now 12 years-old. Blake has been a patient at District Medical Group Children’s Rehabilitative Services (DMG CRS) since he was less than three years-old...
easter bunny at doctor

Easter Bunny Visits CRS!

Children’s Rehabilitative Services was pleasantly surprised by a friendly visit from the Easter Bunny on Sunday. The happy bunny rabbit stopped in to say hello...
d-backs at hospital

Adam Eaton Visits CRS!

Arizona Diamondback baseball player stops by Children's Rehabilitative Services in Phoenix. Adam Eaton's generosity and giving of his time here in the community comes as a wonderful surprise to many at the center...